4_Does the registration requirement restrict the scope? YES

Organizational rights: Minimum membership requirements

“ln a legal system where registration of a workers’ organization is optional, the act of registration may confer on an organization a number of important advantages such as special immunities, tax exemption, the right to obtain recognition as exclusive bargaining agent, etc. In order to obtain such recognition, an organization may be required to fulfil certain formalities which do not amount to previous authorization and which do not normally pose any problem as regards the requirements of Convention No. 87.”  

CFA Compilation of 2018, para. 462

“The minimum membership requirement of 10,000 members for the registration of trade unions at the federal level could influence unduly the workers’ free choice of union to which they wish to belong, even when federal registration is only one of the alternatives available for protecting their rights.”

CFA Compilation of 2018, para. 445


Consider freedom of association recourse